So what’s great about it?
First, you had rest last night until this morn….
Second, you woke up, you are still alive!....
Third, you can see your room, you are not blind….
Fourth, you have feet to walk around, others have none….
Fifth, you have a home, others sleep on the street….
Sixth, you have breakfast, others have nothing to eat for the whole day….
Seventh, you have work, others are still looking for one….
Eigth, you have people who loves you, others die alone and lonely….
Ninth, you….
Oh, there are so many things to be thankful for.
Don’t waste your day looking for troubles.
Profit your day looking for blessings....
They are all around you, just waiting to be noticed by you….
While you are at it, thank God for each of them.
It is indeed a GOOD DAY, everyday!