I Am a Catholic

The content of this blog is a result of researches, reading books and lectures on Catechetical and Biblical Apologetics I am attending.

Scott Hahn (http://iamacatholicbyheart.blogspot.com/p/conversion-stories.html), was ones a Protestant who was out to get Catholics and convert them to be saved. But God did a major turn around in his life and he was converted to Catholicism. From then on, he was zealous in awakening the Catholics inside the Church and in defending the faith. In his book 'Rome Sweet Home,' he wrote:

"How sweet it is to be home in the Roman Catholic Church!
...For our Catholic brothers and sisters,
we want to encourage and challenge you to learn the Catholic Faith,
which has been entrusted to you as a sacred heritage.
For your own sake - and for others - 
study it so that you come to know
what you believe and why you believe it.
We need more contagious Catholics!
...Catholics who cultivate prayer, study and 
a sacramental lifestyle must also become active apostles 
wherever they find themselves: at home, on the job, in the marketplace, 
but especially with family and friends."

This blog is my small contribution to Mother Church hoping to get through to the viewers of the appeal, not only of Scott Hahn, but of the Pope, Bishops, the Clergy to lay people like me.

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