Saturday, November 17, 2012


Last night, I was in a gathering. At the end of it, the people there were asked to group themselves with their families. Then, while the song “I will be here” was being played on the background, the husbands and wives were asked to recall what they loved about their spouses and to tell it to them, also to remember what they loved about their children and the same with the children to their parents and to tell it to each other.

At first, many felt awkward about it. Most did not know what to say. They were silently feeling uneasy. But after awhile, some found the words to say. Then they were asked to hold hands and hug each other. Again, most released their uneasiness through smiling. It seemed they had forgotten how to give a hug. Some kids wanted to keep their distance. But still, they were encouraged not to be shameful about it because they were families and this may be the chance given to them for such a long time of not doing this. Wow! They are families. They live together. They see each other every day, but they felt uneasy and awkward in hugging one another and they lost their words to communicate their love.

Towards the end, as the song was repeated, they were asked to embrace each other while swaying and singing the song together. At this moment, the distance were bridged, the wall collapsed, tears were shed.

As I watched them go through each step given to them, I realized the truth of what I discovered lately: the root problem of society today is the weak foundation among many families. What are missing today in families are open communication, intimacy and friendship, also praying together as a family. When it comes to matters of the hearts and emotions, members feel awkward in opening them up to each other. Hugging is not part of their expression of love. In fact, each member finds it hard to express their love to one another that it creates a gap or a distance between them.

But seeing them at the end, embracing and swaying together while singing the song, with tears flowing and melting the barriers…that was a very touching and wonderful moment. What a beautiful sight!

A family is a gift from God. Hopefully, the families of today and of the future will realize the value of praying together, open communication, intimacy and friendship. Family bonding is truly important especially when the kids are growing and the husbands and wives are becoming indifferent with each other. May God reign in the homes of today and may families grow in love together.