As I removed all the green skin, I diced it all over with the knife, then sliced it. Now I got little cubes of mango on a tiny bowl. I did the same with the other.
I got the two tomatoes, let the teeth of the knife go through them as I diced them, too. I put together the mangoes and the tomatoes. I put some bagoong. Mixed them. Ummmm, yummy! This is very delicious combined with fried fish.
In peeling the mango, a thought came to me. It’s like the change we want in our life. Drastic change most of the times bring a sharp teeth of knife that peels off our emotions, mind, heart, spirit, our very being . . . our life . . . and so much more.
Why? Well, for major change to happen to us . . . we need to give up things that we are so used to. We get to sacrifice our comfort zone. Yeap! The comforts we so love because we feel safe in there and so cozy. We are familiar of all its corners. Yaiks! For change to happen, we’ve got to step out of it!
Change is full of unknowns that we don’t want to face. But if we want to taste the delicious side of life that it can bring us . . . we allow the knife to skin us and remove the garbage and the things that need change within us and in our lifestyle. We also allow it to slice our life so we can find out the beauty waiting for us. Ouch!
Yes, there are ouches . . . but you’ll find sooner or later, they are worth it. The combination of all the unknowns can turn out into several successes, big or small. Then, voila! You can now enjoy the delicious blessings of life through change . . . that God has been offering to you since time immemorial.
Well, if we will not take a deep breath . . . haaay! . . . and act on it, we will never know . . . No pain, no gain, my friend! It’s never too late for anyone to change!
Success is not the absence of problems and challenges, but it is stepping forward in spite of their presence in your path . . . Happy Change!
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