It was November 30, 2008, the second day of Kerygma Conference (KCon), an annual celebration of my community. Everybody was witnessing the glory of God as He showers His healing to His people. I was at the upper box level. A woman in black was walking below. What was written on her back caught my attention “MAKINIG” ("Listen"). I stared at it as she walked away until she joined the crowd and turned. The word, I couldn’t see anymore. Then I put it off my mind.
More than a week after, second week of December, I had to meet somebody in a church in Sta. Mesa, Manila. We attended the 7:00 a.m. Mass. There was a few church goers. Then in front, in a bright red t-shirt, stood a woman. Guess what was written in white at her back . . . . yap! It was the word “MAKINIG.”
This word never left my mind. On my way home, I remembered the instance in KCon. Based in my past experiences, I knew God was telling me something, but I didn’t know what. So I asked Him, “Dear God, what do I have to listen to?”
December 21, at the Feast, a weekly gathering of my community, the Scripture about Gideon from the Book of Judges, struck me. I was wondering then, if it was part of what I had to listen to. That afternoon, one of my bestfriends treat us in SM Megamall. We ate, watched a movie, then went to Starbucks. We were joyfully exchanging stories, when a guy on the other table caught my attention. He was wearing a bright black t-shirt. Guess what was written on it? Nope! It was not makinig. It was “LALO NA NGAYON” ("especially now"). This kept on echoing in my mind. From time to time I glanced at these words (well not at the guy ha, I didn’t even saw his face hehehe). I knew in my heart, it was part of what God was telling me. But what was it He was trying to say to me?
During that week, before December 25, I was in a public place. There was a guy wearing black again. He was going to ride a jeep. In a brief moment, I saw the words “STAND YOUR GROUND. STAND FIRM” at his back.
Okay so now I have: “Makinig” “Makinig” “Lalo na ngayon” “Stand your ground. Stand Firm.” But this is like a puzzle to me. It was not clear. There were still missing pieces. I asked God again, “Dear God, what are You trying to tell me?”
December 26, my whole family always went to Manila Memorial in Paranaque on this date. My mother and father are buried here. This day was my mother’s birthday. When we were on our way home, my niece, Lorraine, elbowed me and asked me to look at a billboard. It was a big one with a black background. The lettering was white and written on it? “FOLLOW ME – GOD” . . . . I looked at it until I couldn’t see it anymore. It left a mark on my mind.
December 28, I was spending that time with Lorraine and Raphael, my nephew, in my Ate Connie’s house in Taytay, Rizal. After going to Mass, we went to a vulcanizing shop to have their wheels checked up. As we sat there waiting, across the street was a small signboard “LIVING WITNESS . . . . church of . . . .” it caught my attention but didn’t mind it coz as soon as I saw it, a jeepney was parking almost below it with a very big lettering on its side “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” After reading this, I looked at the small signboard again “LIVING WITNESS” I looked at them back and forth. Then I said to myself, “Is this still part of Your message God?” . . . . I don’t know, but in my heart, somehow I sensed, it was.
December 30, something came up that I got so confused and troubled. I didn’t really know what to do. I felt like I was caught in the middle of two boulders, and I don’t know how to decide on things. Chhhiiinggg! Like a bolt of lightning, all the words that caught my attention crossed my mind. Then God made me understood what He was telling me. The puzzle was made whole.
There are times in our lives that we get caught in the middle of things that we do not understand. There are times, we are caught in the middle and we do not know what is the right thing to do. Sometimes we get confused. We have to be very careful in the decisions we have to make, especially when people and situations will be affected. There are times in our lives that things seem impossible. Things are overwhelming. We have fears and doubts and worries. There seems to be a hurricane or chaos around us. We became indecisive on things. We don’t know what step to take or even how to take them.
When this comes in my life, God is telling me . . . . MAKINIG . . . . MAKINIG . . . . I have to listen and listen and listen and listen, here and there, then discern and search where His voice is among all those voices . . . . LALO NA NGAYON . . . . especially in times that things are not so clear, that I am troubled. I had to find God’s voice, where there is peace deep, deep, deep within my heart, there is His voice. After I had made sure of what He is saying, after His confirmations . . . . . STAND YOUR GROUND. STAND FIRM . . . . I have to stand my ground and stand firm, even if others may judge me, even if I get hurt and wounded, even if others do not understand . . . . no matter what I face, I can’t be so shaken because . . . . FOLLOW ME - GOD . . . . I have to follow God. He knows everything, because . . . . ”I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE” . . . . ”LIVING WITNESS” . . . . He is the way, He knows what will happen, He is the Source of everything, He is the Source of all Wisdom, He alone knows what is best to be done. His will is perfect. He works for the good of all.
And like in Gideon story, in little that he had, God made wonders and gave victory . . . . all will be well. God will take care of everything.
God said be a living witness of His glory and His love. When a storm or a hurricane is around me, I stay at its eye, at the center, because in there, I sit on God’s lap like a little child. He is my Dear Dear Daddy and I am His precious little daughter. There I am safe. He embraces me. He showers me with love. He heals my wounds. I let go of everything because He will take care of them. I’m just me, His little child. He is my Daddy, my strength, my haven, my peace and joy, my love……He will make the storm disappear……all will be well, in the right places, in His perfect time.
When things get rough the most, this is when we have to get so connected with God. This is when we have to get glued to Him, when we have to pray deeply and have silent moments with Him because this is the only way we can discern well, to make our hearts in line with His heart, to make His desires our desires, to make us listen well to His voice . . . . and make the right decisions to take the path where He leads us.
How are you right now? Are you in the middle of a storm? Why not stay in its eye and
“I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future I hold for you. Then you will come and pray to Me, and I will answer you. You will seek Me, and you will find Me because you will seek Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people……For Christ is the real Master you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24