Monday, April 25, 2011


Bzzzzz! Bzzzz! Bzzzz! I look up and saw one, two, three…no, no, no…six to seven bees as big and as black as prunes, buzzing around, flower to flower. I was seated on a bench with flowering plants crawling above me and covering that area. Many flowers were blooming and those bees were having a party, sucking their sweetness.

Oh, my! I got scared. Oh, they were so big! What if they bit me, but they seemed so busy. Maybe they would not bother me if I would not bother them. Besides, I was there to reflect, God would not let me be harmed. 

That moment, I was in a retreat house in Novaliches. I woke up around 4:30 a.m. I took my bath and prepared for the day. I wanted to seek God’s Presence early in the morning before I would attend the 6:30 a.m. Holy Mass. By 5:30 a.m., I went down on that spot and sat. Smiling, having peace in my heart, waiting for my God to reveal His Presence.

I focused on the silence of an early morn. I felt the cool wind touch my skin. Darkness and brightness began to meet each other. A few birds started to chirp and greet the morning. Aaahhh, I love it…..Bzzzz! Bzzzz! Bzzzz! Then those bees came, and I got startled for a while. 

Hmmm….But then, as I thought of leaving that spot because I fear them, I opted to stay and let them be. I trusted God would protect me. I realized, then…."There are moments in my life that there will be scary bees which I will have to face. Even if they can scare me, I will not fear, not because I am fearless, but because I believe I have a God with me whom I can trust that He will not let any harm touch me."

With that, I smiled....allowed peace to return in me....thanked God for another Wisdom to live by....and I enjoyed the rest of my time with it....


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