Monday, April 18, 2011


What more can I desire, oh God
but Your awesome Presence.
When things distract me,
when other desires fill my being,
pierce my heart with the pain
of not having You....
Let the longing of my soul
cry out for You alone.
Let there be emptiness
that only You can satisfy.
Make me restless, oh God
that I may only find my rest in You.
Let nothing take Your place
in the depths of my being.
What more can I desire....
You are enough....
Nothing matters as long as I have You.
You are my life, the air I breathe.
Your beauty is everywhere.
Let not busyness or other people blind me.
Your voice constantly calls my name.
Let not the noise of this world
make me deaf.
My peace and my joy is in You, alone.
What more can I desire, oh God.
You are enough....

-luisadelacruz  041411  6:05pm

(Written during a two-day silent retreat
in this very spot as I sat on the swing.)

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