During my silent
retreat last June 16-17, as I attended Mass, a beautiful bird bigger than a sparrow flew to and fro on the
chapel’s ceiling. There were times he hit the wall and I pitied him. I prayed
that may he find his way out and not die there. Once he landed on the high
window, but there was a screen, so he flew to and fro again.
During the
reading, he flew on the altar ground, facing the tabernacle, stayed awhile,
then flew straight out of the lower window without falter….
I was teary eyed at
this. It was like he recognized Jesus and Jesus gave His blessing to him. He
flew swiftly to wherever…
When God uprooted me from my community, the transition
was hard. But He wanted me to get to know the Catholic Church, her teachings,
Mama Mary. He called, I followed, to where, to what, I didn’t know.
I was like
that bird flying around as I learn about my faith and get personal with Mother
Church. But it seemed that God is giving me His blessing to fly now.
spiritual director suggested that I hasten my prayer for me to commit to a
parish ministry where God is calling me. This will keep me rooted in the
parish, so if later, He will lead me to other ministries outside it, I’m still
connected to the Church and, that I should not refuse God…
Like the bird, he
said, I should remain grounded in Jesus so I could fly straight to wherever He
will lead me…
If it’s God’s time for you to fly, stretch your wings, let go,
trust God, fly…Let the Holy Spirit carry you with the wind of God’s love to
where God wants and needs you to be…
Have a Blossoming Life!
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