Friday, December 28, 2012


Wednesday morning, after breakfast, I sat in the terrace of the third floor unit of a duplex house in Talisay, Batangas. My family rented a unit for an overnight stay. As I sat there, I just enjoyed the view of Taal Volcano, with a few birds flying, a boat passing and the cool wind gently touching me. Taal Volcano was beautiful against the lake and the blue sky surrounding it.

In a while, there were drizzles of raindrops, then, the rain poured hard a bit. As I looked again at Taal Volcano, oh, I didn’t see it anymore because the fog covered it fully, but I know it was there. Where else would it go?

When the rain stopped and the fog was gone, the beautiful volcano was visible again.

There are times, God and His hand in our lives seem so visible. When this is so, we feel confident enough that we are not alone and we see the beauty of life. We are optimistic about our future. But when problems come and God seems quiet and distant, when He seems to disappear in the scene of our lives, that’s the moment when our problems are the fogs and rain that cover God from our sight.

But one thing we have to believe in…Like the Taal Volcano, God is still there. God will not go anywhere, He will never abandon us. Behind the fogs of life, God is still very much present, not seen by our naked eye, but seen by the eyes of our hearts. We’ve got to always remember that we can be secured in God and we have nothing to be afraid of. We may not see Him nor sense Him for a while but He is still there taking care of us and helping us to get through our troubles, wiping each tear that falls from our eyes and healing each pain that pierces our hearts. A moment will come these fogs and rain will soon be gone and once more, God will again be visible in our sight.

And with grateful hearts, we enjoy the gift of life and thank Him for it.

This is truth: God will always be there for you...

God bless your homes! 


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