Oh! For those who know me, don’t be shocked. I’m still single for the Lord, yes! So how come I have a baby and experiencing this now? ;-) My friend is referring to my first book: “The Essence of the Word-How to be Friends with Your Bible”

May 2005, God revealed to me that I would be a preacher and a writer. Yeah, right! I’m a Fine Arts graduate and a licensed architect. Preacher, huh? Writer?
But still, if God says so, then who am I to argue. I just let it be and allowed Him to do His thing in my heart and my life. I went where He led me. He equipped me. I began to share my experiences with God. Those sharing became talks. I began to develop talks then later workshops and a recollection.
I also write my sharing and just email some of them until I got tapped to become one of the writers in an English and tagalong version of a daily Scriptural reference guide.
Two years ago, I began to conceptualize a book. I got inspired by God and my friends. The busyness of life hindered me to finish it and there are frustrations that developed in me . . . . Hmmm, come to think of it, I thank this block now. Why? No, I’m not crazy. Because now, is God’s timing for my book.
I’m bolder now, more courageous, I have more friends and acquaintances. My situation is better than before, even my perspective. God had prepared me well. Why?
Because, like a pregnant woman, I’m having my labor pains. The preparations for my book was a mixture of emotion and full of prayers. I always ask God for guidance. I even asked for an editor in line with my heart and a printer/publisher that will be of good service and in line with what I need. God gave me both. I asked His help for the financial provision. He gave me that, too.
Now, my first book is published. Wow! I gave birth. I am also experiencing the hassles and pains of a Mom after her child was born. How will the people accept it? How about it’s marketing? Of course, as there is black and white, there is acceptance and rejection, both I have to deal and face.
But you know what . . . . in all that I’m going through, God never left my side and He makes me feel His support all the way. Where I can’t reach out, He will. What I can’t do, He does. It’s a great partnership. He sends people to help me. He guides and inspires me on what to do. He feeds me ideas and encourages me to act.
When I’m down, He lifts me up. He reaches out to people. A friend’s friend in Germany ordered 100 copies, my sister sold 70 copies in one occasion, just a few unexpected marketing of God. On October 10, my baby will be one month old, we have sold more than 500 copies already.
But you know what gives me joy above all else? Four things:
One, the proceeds of my book will help orphanages and other ministries for the Lord. Yes, through it I can help the poor in need. This is a dream come true for me. It’s really a joy for me.
Two, my book can help people grow spiritually by loving God’s Word and God Himself. My baby can help the reader get closer to God. She can open doors of personal, intimate relationship between God and His beloved children.
Three, through my baby, I’m preaching even to people I do not know and who do not know me. I may not even see them nor meet them ever but somehow God had used me to touch them and help bring them to Him. Even if I die now, My baby will go on living in the shelves and preaching people even of future generations.
Four, the most I value, my baby is my love for my beloved God. I believe I put a smile on His face through her. My book suggests to people how to be friends with the Word of God, how to go on loving her and how to share her. If the suggestions are followed by the readers, they will end up developing that closer relationship with God and thus loving God more. This is the ultimate purpose of my first born . . . .
Just one soul that my book will touch . . . . just one soul that will be closer to God through her . . . . I can die now and be so filled with joy . . . .
My first born: “The Essence of the Word-How to be Friends with Your Bible” yes, labor pains are just part of it, I’m excited to where God will bring me and my baby . . . . May He be glorified through her to the ends of the world and of time.
How God wants to let people know how much He yearns to be close to us . . . . for our own sake . . . . May we respond and have that deep longing for Him in our hearts . . . .
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