Suddenly, it became dark. Big drops of rain fell from the sky. The children run inside their houses. The frogs and the birds looked for their own shelters, too. The sun with the blue sky was no more (sigh). There went my beautiful morning.
I stayed and watched the heavy rain pour down with all its might until it subsided gradually (Brrrrrr! It was so cold!). By then, I noticed its raindrops. Each created a crown-like shape as they touch the ground (drip, drip, drip). I watched each of them touch the leaves as they wiggled and enjoyed its sprinkle. I watched it touch the flowers as they shivered and said hello. I watched it touch the grass as it softened by its drop. I put out my hand and let a raindrop touch my palm. Oh, it was a bit cold, but it was so cute and lovely, and refreshing, too (Well, this last part was an excerpt from a poem I wrote from this marvelous situation, so the flowers didn’t really talked, but it felt that way).
The rain stopped. The sun peeped again and beamed its light. The sky was blue again. Joining it were the fluffy, white clouds. The frogs, the birds and the children came back. Things were the same as before with one difference, the touch of the rain, the trace of its downpour. I felt happier than before (in fact, I had a big smile on my face and a twinkle in my eyes).
That situation made me realize something (Cchhiiiiinngg!). Often times we have many heavy rains in our lives. They pour hard with all their might. They shutter us with so much pain, regret and hopelessness. Some rain even brings thunder, lightning, hurricane and even tidal waves (they seem to enjoy blistering our lives). When they are gone, we may be left crawling, wounded, bathing with our own blood and almost breathless. But at the end of it all, we learn our lessons (remember the traces of the rain in Cebu) and we get wiser. We feel the love and support of the people around us. But the most important of all, these are the times we really feel closer to Jesus.
During those nasty rains, He was there beside us. He never left us even for just a single moment. He tried to protect us, to support us and to give us hope and all the love we need. After all was over, Jesus carries us, nurses us until we can stand again (or until we forget Him again and just remember Him the next rain… awful). After each rain, we get on with our lives. We pick up were we fell. But this time wiser, more loved, more blessed and, most importantly, more Jesus in our hearts. So, INSPITE OF ALL ITS SHAMS . . . . LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, especially when you realize and when you believe with all your heart that Jesus is greatest Friend you can ever have and He will be there beside you . . . . always.
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